Toddler Child Care
Explorers (Toddlers)
noun | ex-plor-ers | approximate age: 19 months to 3 years | a.k.a. toddlers
Explorers are characterized by independence and growth. Constantly seeking the unknown through adventure, they are bursting with energy and new ideas. At Kepler Academy, educators promote both security and independence, providing opportunities to explore in a safe and nurturing environment.
A Day in the Life of an Explorer
Each day, toddlers follow a consistent routine, including activities like snack time and circle time with music, reading stories, poems, songs, nursery rhymes and engaging conversation. Linguistic skills are promoted by educators. Self-care skills are practiced, like cleaning up, potty training and encouraging regular nap time. Social values, group acceptance and cooperation are also developed between peers and educators, by communicating spontaneously and frequently.
Toddlers will take part in many indoor and outdoor activities, like arts, crafts and sensory play, and practicing their physical, fine motor, gross motor and discovery skills.

By providing “helping” activities, Kepler’s Explorers will gain that independence and pride of keeping their environment tidy and accomplishing tasks.

Kepler Explorers will consistently be encouraged to use the toilet when they’re ready and practice the daily bathroom routine.

Pop-up toys with dials, switches, knobs, latches and shape sorting materials (peg boards, nesting cups and blocks) are provided to recognize shapes and their names.