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Summer Program 2025 | All Academies

Spend the summer exploring! During July and August, Kepler Academy’s Summer Program offers a range of explorative, engaging themes that your children will love. Our summer camp offers the same benefits families enjoy all year round: regular operating hours, a seasonal menu full of nutritious meals and snacks, educated and certified staff, and plenty of outdoor play. Your children will build friendships have an unforgettable summer.

Please note, available spaces are offered 6-8 weeks ahead of July, and are first come, first served. We cannot hold spaces over the summer months.

At Kepler Academy, we support children continuously learning over the summer months. Fun weekly themes will challenge them and keep each day exciting. All themes align with our eight pillars of Exploratory Education. Infants (Stargazers) and Toddles (Explorers) enjoy bi-weekly themes, while Navigators (Preschoolers), Pioneers (Pre-Kindergarteners), and Stellars (Grade 1 to 6) participate in weekly themes.

Stargazers & Explorers

Biweekly Themes Coming Soon

Navigators, Pioneers, & Stellars

Weekly Themes Coming Soon

Please note, our schedule can vary and change at Kepler Academy’s discretion, depending on the centre and the needs of the children enrolled.  


  • Regular operating hours (6:30am-6:00pm M-F)
  • Nutritious meals & snacks included
  • Educated and certified staff
  • Plenty of outdoor play
  • Curriculum-based learning

The Summer Program

What makes the summer special? Fun weekly themes with scheduled activities that will challenge kids and keep each day exciting. Your children will build friendships and have an unforgettable summer.

We are all born explorers.

As children, we are constantly discovering our environment through play, new experience, and serve and return interactions. At Kepler Academy, we strive to foster this sense of discovery with a rich early learning and child care service through our Exploratory Education approach.


Discover why Kepler is voted Edmonton’s Top Choice Child Care Services for 5 years running! (2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025)