Infant Child Care

Stargazers (Infants)
noun | star • gaz • ers | approximate age: 16 weeks to 18 months | a.k.a. infants
Stargazers are born with highly responsive senses to the people and environment around them. At Kepler Academy, much care and nurturing attention is given to infants, with a specific focus on social interaction and serve-and-return functionality. Building a relationship of trust is a key component.
A Day in the Life of a Stargazer
Each day, infants follow their own rhythms of feeding, sleeping and playtime. Infants can have different schedules for sleep. As they grow, we begin to incorporate more activities and exploration, like reading and singing to develop beginner literacy and language, sensory activities, and pincer grip with utensils and fun play objects. One our main focuses is encouraging infants to learn through discovery, by providing new materials, stacking items, push toys and sensory materials. We practice walking (when ready!) and fun gross motor activities as often as possible.

Through a variety of well researched and tested materials, infants will have the opportunity to roll over, crawl and walk in a safe environment.

Kepler Caregivers will provide spoons at mealtime to enhance the pincer grip and to introduce eating with utensils.

By providing books and singing songs and rhymes, Kepler Caregivers will read along with the infant, point to illustrations, emphasize sounds, and focus on basic vocabulary words.