Our Programs
noun | star • gaz • ers | age: 16 w to 18 m | a.k.a. infants
Stargazers are developing at a rapid pace in both mind and body. Full of wonderment from their surroundings, everything is an exciting new experience for them.
We are born with highly responsive senses to the people and environment around us. At Kepler Academy, much care and attention is directed at the infant after birth, with a specific focus on Social Interaction and Serve and Return functionality.
At the end of the Stargazer Journey, Kepler Kids will receive 3 main badges of accomplishment which include: Walking, Pincer Grip, and Beginner Literacy.

noun | ex • plor • ers | age: 19 m to 3-4 y | a.k.a. toddlers
Explorers are characterized by independence and growth. Constantly seeking the unknown through adventure, they are bursting with energy and new ideas.
At Kepler Academy, we know that Early Childhood experiences change our brains in a way that affects our health and future development. Our basic cognitive structure establishes the foundation for more complex developments as we grow. By providing focused, positive experiences, we are building the architecture of the developing brain.
At the end of the Explorer Journey, Kepler Kids will receive at least 3 more badges: Self-Help, Potty Training, and Shapes.

noun | nav • i • ga • tors | age: 3 – 5 y | a.k.a. preschool
Navigators are exploring their world with a keen sense of direction. They are purposeful and action oriented, not stopping until they achieve their goals.
At Kepler Academy, we are rooted in the belief that children are full of possibilities and potential with the ability to gain knowledge through all areas of development. As children advance, we seek to give them direction.
By the end of the Navigators program, Kepler Kids will receive 3 more badges to add to their collection: Name Recognition, Scissors handling, and Reading.

noun | pi • o • neers | age: 5 – 6 y | a.k.a. pre-k/kinder care
Pioneers are intrepid discoverers. By charting new territories through exploration, they are learning the skills they will need to become the next leaders. Overview: Our Kindergarten program not only follows the Alberta Education Curriculum but our specially designed curriculum as well. We provide many opportunities for discovery that meet the needs of children and promote positive attitudes toward lifelong journeys of learning.
At the end of the Pioneer Journey, children will receive 3 more badges which include: Literacy, Math, and Science Experiments.