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Coming Soon! FAQ’s below.

Kepler Academy Summerside: Opening Late 2024

When will the Kepler Academy Summerside location open?

The centre is working toward an opening date of November 1, 2024. A date will be confirmed closer to opening.

Where is the centre located?

The address for Kepler Academy Summerside will be 1420 Parsons Road SW.

What programs will you offer?

              We will offer early learning and educational childcare services for infants, toddlers, preschoolers, pre-kindergarten, and kinder-age children, following our proprietary Exploratory Education approach.

Will you offer out-of-school care?

              We are currently determining if we will be providing out-of-school care.

Will you offer transportation services?

              This is to be determined.

How many spaces will you have for children?

              We will confirm the number of spaces available shortly.

What will your hours of operation be?

              Our hours will be from 6:30am to 6:00pm, Monday through Friday.

Will you provide meals and snacks?

              Yes. We will provide a full, balanced, nutritional menu of a morning snack, lunch, and afternoon snack, prepared on-site by a chef.

Will you accept subsidy and the Alberta Affordability Grant?

              Yes, we accept both subsidy and the Affordability Grant.

Can I join the waitlist?

Yes, you can now join our waitlist, and we recommend applying as early as possible for the highest likelihood of a space being offered.

Click here to get started: Registration (

Can I enroll/register my child?

              Not yet. We will offer full registration shortly for spaces starting upon opening.

Who will be the Centre Director?

The position will be filled closer to our opening date, and families will be introduced.

How can I apply to work at Kepler Academy Summerside?

If you are interested in applying for our Summerside location, please email and put “Summerside” in the subject line.

When can I tour the centre?

We will provide a group tour of one of our centres currently in operation. Should you wish to join a group tour, please email and put “Tour Summerside” in the subject line, and we will add you to the tour invitation list.

Who can I talk to for more information?

Please call our Client Experience Team at 780-803-8748 or email us at if you have any questions.