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Kepler Academy First Annual BBQ

Sunday, June 23rd 11:30 AM – 04:00 PM

Kepler Family Picnic Event Day Information

 Kepler Academy is excited to host our first annual Kepler Academy Family Picnic. We welcome all our families, children, and their family members, and our entire team to join us for an afternoon of fun, play, and exploring the park!

 Thank you to our Picnic Partners that have sponsored this event, to ensure its success. We couldn’t do it without you!


  • Rundle Family Centre @ Rundle Park – 2909 113 Avenue
  •  Rundle Park Sites 5 & 6 (Outdoor Seating, Entertainment & Fun)
  • Rundle Family Centre (Indoor Seating & Food)


  • Hot Dog Lunch – 11:30am – 4pm
  • Roaming Activities – 11:30am onwards
  • Hunter Appearance (Oilers Mascot) – 1pm – 2pm 
  • Wrap-Up by 4pm 

Wristbands: BBQ lunch will be available for everyone with a wristband, which you will receive when you check in at our Registration Tent. Please see the attached map! (Printed maps will be given to you)

Dietary Needs: We will be serving beef hot dogs, as well as vegetarian, halal, and gluten-free/allergy friendly. We will have allergy-friendly buns.


  • Education Station: giant Plus Plus, kinetic sand, and fun games!
  • PURE Orthodontics: Dinosaur visits around the event!
  • The Press Gallery: will have a Stuffies-in-the-Bag Game and prizes!
  • Hunter’s Visit: the Oiler’s mascot will be mingling with you all from 1pm – 2pm!
  • Little Lungs First Aid: will provide on-site First Aid & CPR as well as Lost Child check-in, next to the Registration Tent!
  • Rabbit Hill Snow Resort: is bringing freezies for everyone!
  • Little Kickers: has treats for the kids, soccer games, and more!
  • Resonate Music: will set up an “instrument zoo” for families to visit!
  • KidStrong: brings their popular kid’s Tire Flip activity to try, and bean bag toss!


Amenities: Washrooms are located inside the Rundle Family Centre. There is an infant/toddler Change Table inside the Accessible Washroom. Water fountains are available inside Rundle Family Centre.

Parking: Ample public parking spaces are available. Drive to the very end of Rundle Park. 

Pooches: As per our event license, and the City of Edmonton’s bylaws, dogs should not be within 10 meters of the picnic sites or playgrounds. (There is a concern of contamination of food, sand, and children’s play areas) As long as pets are on a leash and are in control of their owners, they are welcome.

Park Respect: Please ensure garbage is thrown out and the grounds are respected. We want to ensure we can return to a City of Edmonton park next year.

Volunteers: We ask that if you are volunteering, you arrive 15 minutes before your volunteer time slot to grab your volunteer t-shirt and find out where you need to be. Please look for an email from our Volunteer Coordinator for further instructions.

Tickets: This event is free for Kepler Families & Staff. Please ensure you have RSVP’d to ensure everyone attending gets a wristband. You will need to visit our registration table and grab your wristband to enjoy the BBQ. Lunch will be unavailable for anyone without a wristband. 

Facebook Event:  

Photo Sharing: Facebook – kepleryeg

                              Instagram – kepleracademy

                              Linked In – Kepler Academy

Hashtag: Share your picnic pictures! Tag us and use our hashtag!  #keplerfamilypicnic2024

Weather: Come prepared! Bring weather appropriate gear, sunscreen, hats, and plenty of water. If we have inclement weather, like poor air quality (smoke) or thunderstorms, we will reschedule the BBQ.

We Are All Born Explorers