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Kepler’s team recently created some amazing family testimonial videos 

We’re excited to introduce the stars behind one the videos, the Sparrow Family! Watch their video, linked at the end of this blog. 

Derek and Christie’s two daughters, Mila and Callie, attend our academy in Sherwood Park. They are our Kepler Family Stars this week and were so kind to share their story.   

What do Mom, Dad, Parents do for work? 

I (Christie) am an MRI Technologist at the Royal Alexandra Hospital in Edmonton. 

Derek is a Mortgage Broker at Innovative Mortgage Solutions in Sherwood Park, located right across the street from Kepler Academy! 

(Side note from Kepler: if you click the link above, you can read Derek’s career bio, which is really funny. He shares his favourite Seinfeld quotes!)

What do your children love to do for a favorite class?  

Both Callie and Mila love arts and crafts, singing, reading and outside time. They have two dogs that they adore, and we all love to get outside, no matter the weather.  

Activity do you most love to do outside? 

The girls love to visit Andy’s Playground in Fort Saskatchewan.  

If you haven’t visited this playground, it’s amazing! It’s worth the drive if you haven’t been there.

Favorite books to read before bedtime? 

Callie and Mila love all books, and they’re big readers. Story time is coveted in our house. Some of their favorite books are: Oh, the Places You’ll Go! (Dr. Seuss), any of the Little Critter series, Guess How Much I Love You, and Ten Tiny Toes. 

Family meals you love to eat together? 

Our family loves Spaghetti 

However, Derek (Dad) makes fried potatoes (and regular potatoes) in many forms, and Mila and Callie both love them! 

What is the best part about being at Kepler Academy? 

Kepler Academy has multiple best parts for us.  

One of the biggest takeaways we’ve experienced so far, is our kids meeting friends. And by friends we mean friends their age, a bit older, a bit younger, and their amazing relationships with their teachers! 

Both Mila and Callie are quite shy and take some time to warm up to others. Kepler’s Educators have been outstanding at helping our girls’ transition smoothly into daycare, breaking down some of their fears and anxieties and encouraging them to build meaningful relationships with others 

Another thing we love about Kepler is the education-based learning. Our girls are learning so much every day that they spend there and that is super reassuring as a parent. 

Overall, the entire Kepler experience has been above anything we’ve ever seen. 

The quality and skill of the entire Kepler team is next level. The communication is awesome. The chef is outstanding. Our girls both love the variety of foods and I’ve got to say that is one of their favorite parts. Our Centre Director, Amandeep, has really been amazing to both our girlsMila must hug her every day before we leave — it’s so special 

Kepler is literally educational fun in a loving environmentand as parents, we couldn’t ask for a better place to send our girls.

Thank you so much, Sparrow Family!