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Recognition & Awards

Kepler Academy is proud to have earned awards and recognition from various community organizations that we work with closely, advertise with, as well as the well-known Top Choice Awards.

Our mission is to provide purposeful and innovative childcare, delivered professionally, in a safe and nurturing environment. Each time we receive recognition for a community contribution, industry award, or business award, we know we are headed in the right direction.

Edmonton‘s Top Choice Childcare Provider / Childcare Facility

Awarded for 2021, 2022, 2023 & 2024. Pleased to earn this award four years running!

Modern Mama, Mama’s Choice Awards

2022 Winner for Best Childcare Facility

Minister‘s Award of Excellence for Child Development

2022, Awarded to Kepler Centre Director, Jonabel Cabasal

Strathcona County Awards of Excellence

2021 Recipient of Economic Diversification Award

Lakeland College

2018, Recognition of Student “Live the Learning” Program Support

Child Friendly Edmonton Initiative, City of Edmonton

2018, Recognition of Early Adopter of the Child Friendly Business Program

We Are All Born Explorers