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Summerside Kepler Academy Coming Soon | Edmonton’s Top Choice Childcare for 4 Years

We Are All Born Explorers

As children, we are constantly discovering our environment through play, new experiences, and serve and return interactions. At Kepler Academy, we strive to foster this sense of discovery with a rich early learning and child care service through our Exploratory Education approach.

Kepler’s experts work every day, researching and conceptualizing the most well-rounded experience for early childhood development. Our goal is to create a safe, nurturing, and welcoming environment that serves as a home-away-from-home.

We Are All Born Explorers

As children, we are constantly discovering our environment through play, new experiences, and serve and return interactions. At Kepler Academy, we strive to foster this sense of discovery with a rich early learning and child care service through our Exploratory Education approach.

Kepler’s experts work every day, researching and conceptualizing the most well-rounded experience for early childhood development. Our goal is to create a safe, nurturing, and welcoming environment that serves as a home-away-from-home.

We Are All Born Explorers

As children, we are constantly discovering our environment through play, new experiences, and serve and return interactions. At Kepler Academy, we strive to foster this sense of discovery with a rich early learning and child care service through our Exploratory Education approach.

Kepler’s experts work every day, researching and conceptualizing the most well-rounded experience for early childhood development. Our goal is to create a safe, nurturing, and welcoming environment that serves as a home-away-from-home.

Early Learning and Child Care in Edmonton & Area

Kepler Academy is a leading educational child care provider that is rethinking daycare and early childhood development. Our Exploratory Education approach focuses on an intentional mix of learning-through-play and a curriculum that promotes exploration and discovery.

Child Care & Out-of-School Care Programs

All Kepler Academy locations offer full-time educational care for children up to 6 years old, including year-round preschool and kinder-care programs. At select locations, we offer before-and-after-school care services for children in elementary school, and provide transportation to some nearby schools. Click “Explore More” below to read about a day in the life of a child in each program.


Approx. Age: 16 weeks – 18 months



Approx. Age: 19 months – 3 years



Approx. Age: 3 years – 5 years



Approx. Age: 5 years – 6 Years


The Stellar Program

Approx. Age: 6 years – 12 years

Out of School Care

All Programs

Early Learning & Care Programs

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Join Our Waitlist

Interested in enrolling your child? Click the button below to check out more information about our waitlist.


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